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Critical thinking is the topic of EFOPLI's second meeting in 2018

Participants debate how to encourage critical thinking in English classes
publicado: 06/04/2018 12h17, última modificação: 07/05/2018 14h57


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Giving continuity to the activities of the EFOPLI program  in the first semester of 2018, one more Professional Development Meeting for English Teachers was held on Friday, March 23rd. In this second meeting the guest speaker, Ingrid Hilário (Letras student at the Federal University of Paraíba - UFPB), addressed the theme 'Critical Thinking in the EFL classroom’.

Marcelle Alves, one of the participants and an undergraduate student of the English course at UFPB, commented on the importance of the topic Critical Thinking and on the opportunity to reflect and interact with other teachers: "I found the meeting on 'Critical Thinking ' extremely important, because as a teacher-in-training who is just starting my classroom experience, I am still searching for my teaching identity and "experimenting" in the classroom.It was a very rich experience and a wonderful opportunity for me to reflect on this issue together with my fellow teachers at various stages in their careers, whether they are retired, still active, or in training, like me (we are all continuously developing professionally ... but you got the point!). I loved the guest speaker, and I loved being in touch with other people of my professional field, as well as sharing experiences and opinions on how we can improve our classroom practice even more."

The material used during the workshop and others recommended by the guest speaker can be found in the Material section.

Due to the holiday, there will be no meeting on the next Friday, March 30th. EFOPLI meetings will return on April 6th.

Photos of meetings and of other EFOPLI initiatives are available on Flickr. More information can be accessed on Facebook and Instagram .

Translated by Daniel Viana (EFOPLI grantee - Probex 2018)