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Campus 2

por ACI publicado 03/12/2020 11h41, última modificação 18/03/2021 08h56
Colaboradores: Larissa Guedes, Amanda Galvíncio, Caio Martino, Miguel Schuler (intern 2020.1)

About the city

Areia is the city where the traditional Cultural Route Caminhos do Frio kicks off. It is also home to Engenho Triunfo, producer of the most famous cachaça (sugarcane liquor) of the state. Areia is located at the top of the Serra da Borborema, in the microregion named brejo, located 135 km from the state capital, João Pessoa.

Some of its tourist attractions are: the Church of the Rosary of the Blacks, created by a brotherhood initially composed of slaves; the Regional Museum of the city and the Rapadura Museum; The Pedro Américo House, where the famous plastic artist was born, as well as the homonymous Mausoleum.

Those into nature and adventure can visit the Pau Ferro Woods, with its several trails through the Atlantic Forest. Engenho Triunfo is one of the main hotspots in the region: not only is it a tourist point but also one of the main economic activities.

Visitors who stay at Hotel Fazenda Triunfo get a courtesy voucher to visit Engenho Triunfo. Among the several other inns in the city, tourists can stay at the Pousada e Hotel Casa do Lago.

Local cuisine can be tasted at the Rural Restaurant Vó Maria, Aroma da Serra, and the restaurant and cachaçaria O Barretão, a great option for those looking for good food at low prices.

About Campus II

Foto: Oriel FariasUFPB Campus II comprises the Center of Agricultural Sciences (CCA), seven departments, and the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Paraíba, which is the largest veterinary hospital in the state. It offers five undergraduate courses: Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, and Veterinary Medicine. In addition, in Campus II are five graduate programs.


Center of Agricultural Sciences (CCA) - Campus II (by Oriel Farias)

Testimonials about Campus II

  • Ana Odília, student at Campus II

"The most pleasant thing about this campus, in my opinion, is that it is very open and provides a lot of contact with nature; it has beautiful views and makes us feel comfortable. It is a feature of Areia as well, it is very historical and interesting to know.”

  • David Schuler, Campus II student

"The city is full of interesting features, such as the cold and cozy climate, Triunfo's Engenho and Hotel, and a super green campus, full of vast green areas, educated people, and affordable prices. Areia always kicks off the Route Caminhos do Frio”

  • Paula Giovanna, student at Campus II

"Good options to eat in Areia are Serra da China, which brought Asian cuisine to the region, and O Barretão, with delicious regional food and an incredible view of the hills”

Photo gallery

Foto: Oriel Farias




Center of Agricultural Sciences - Campus II
(by Oriel Farias)






Foto: Oriel Farias






Center of Agricultural Sciences - Campus II
(by Oriel Farias)







Foto: Oriel Farias




Center of Agricultural Sciences - Campus II
(by Oriel Farias)